Happy birthday, Lyceum!

On the 19th of October 2005 Lyceum № 52 is going to celebrate the 15th anniversary.
Take part in the projects:

  1. Give lyceum a name.
    A number of schools have their own unofficial names (e.g. Lyceum on Sobornaya, Russian Classic Gymnasia, school “Sozvezdie”). Think of a name to our lyceum and send your variant to our site and may be your name will be taken.
  2. Our talisman.
    To choose a talisman for our lyceum was the aim of a “special competition”. Now it is over. The winner is a lion. This name was presenting by the pupils of the 6th form. The name was chosen be general vote. Our talisman is a symbol of wisdom, spiritual generosity and literacy.
  3. "Garden-city"
    THE AIM: to do the territory around lyceum nice, beautiful and green.
    2004-05 years
    • Go on cutting bushes.
    • Clear garden, cut off apple-trees.
    • Высадить кустарники вдоль гаражей.
    • Plant trees on the territory.
    • Go on creating an alley of graduates.

    2005-06 years
    • Finishing planting bushes.
    • Put vases with flowers in front of school.
    • Make a zone of rest and plan of school.



If you want to study with us

Lyceum traditions

Happy birthday, Lyceum!


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by Sergey Chervakov, Ryazan

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